Patricia Sweetow Gallery is honored to announce that two stellar ceramic sculptures by Tony Marsh, Crucible and Cauldron, have been formally acquired by the Painting & Sculpture Accessions Committee of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art for their Permanent Collection!
We’d like to extend a resounding thank you to Painting & Sculpture Curator Nancy Lim for recognizing and supporting not only the crazy good sculpture of Tony Marsh, but also his significant contributions in furthering the history, scholarship, and artists working in ceramic sculpture. We’d also like to acknowledge and thank collector Janet Mohle-Boetani for her gracious generosity in supporting the acquisition of Cauldron, a remarkably stunning work.
Both sculptures were exhibited in 2019 at Patricia Sweetow Gallery. The exhibition featured 3 ceramic artists, Tony Marsh, Nancy Selvin and Linda Sormin, whose contributions as artists and educators are widely recognized. From the same exhibition, a Tony Marsh sculpture was placed in the Permanent Collection of the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento.